Thursday, 14 November 2013

Music Magazine- Planning Sheet

  • What genre/s of music will your magazine cover?
 The genre of music that my magazine will cover is R'n'B.
  • Who is the target audience? How old are they? Where do they live? What are their interests?
The target audience for my music magazine will be aimed at male and female teenagers aged16 and over.
  • What is the name of your magazine? Why? Connotations?
The name of my music magazine will be 'Flow'.
  • What will your masthead look like? Do you have any ideas for fonts? (this should be accompanied by sketches)
The masthead of my music magazine will be a bold font with the use of the colour gold as it represents the music which is being produced within this genre.
  • What will be the focal image for your front cover and why?
The focal image for the front cover of my music magazine will feature a popular musician that everyone will easily recognise such as Chris Brown.
  • What photography will be required? Give details of shot type, angle and composition.
The type of shot that I will use for the image for the front cover of my music magazine will most likely be a mid-shot of the artist with them being placed in the centre in front of a plain background so that they are able to stand out and catch the target audiences attention.
  • What mise en scene will be required? Location? Clothing? Make up? Lighting? Use of colour?
The mise-en-scene that will be required is smart or casual clothing that R'n'B artists will usually wear, also the location that the image will be taken in will be in front of a plain white background with minimal make up and a bit of lighting to emphasise the artist.
  • What would be your sell lines? How will you entice your target audience?
The sell lines for my music magazine front cover will try to persuade the target audience to pick up the magazine and will include important and recent information relating to the main musician being featured and other artists so that they know what is happening within the genre.
  • What items and feature articles would you need on your contents page?
The items and feature articles that my contents page would need is the artist performing and also a banner that is a competition for the readers where they will be able to win tickets to see the musician perform.
  • What is the focus of your double page spread? (interview? feature? reviews? etc)
The focus of my double page spread will be an interview of the main artist being featured on the front cover which will talk about their new album and other projects that the person is working on.
  • What photography will be required for the double page spread? Give specific details.
The type of photography that will be required for the double page spread will be focusing on the main artist but will also include a group of artist that is in the same genre and will also give minimal information about them as well.

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